Sunday, August 1, 2010

Birthday News

We got some great news just in time for my birthday - my surgery has been moved to 7:30am (versus 1:30pm). I was really worried about how I was going to not eat until that late in the day (and by 'eat' I mean consuming at least one diet coke). Now I don't even have to worry about it! I'm super happy - let the diet coke flow!

I was also told I have to have a 'procedure' done on the 12th related to the sentinal node biopsy that happens during surgery. I will need to have an injection of some kind of nuclear medicine that they then look at to see which nodes are more 'lit up'. Fun times. I hear the injection can be pretty painful but they use litacane (sp?) to help.

Scott thinks this is the worst birthday ever but I think it's just one of the more memorable ones. This is a great example of our differing personalities. A shock to no one I bet. This birthday also signifies a new level of oldness. For my type of cancer coupled with my age (35 and younger) the double mastectomy is the standard recommended treatment. So, if I caught this a year later they would give me an option of just doing one side. I guess they assume that after age 35 you're so old it doesn't really matter anymore? Hmm. And yes, I didn't really have a choice for the bi-lateral (double) as it was strongly recommended by my doctor (a few of you have asked, so just putting it out there).

Happy August! Why on earth is it so darn cold!?!? And for the record, I'm being spoiled beyond belief! Breakfast out with Scott and the kids, a spa appt then dinner out with amazing friends. Perfection!


  1. Happy Belated Birthday Becky. Darin and I both are wishing you and your family all of the best. I love to hear you keeping a sense of humor and positive attitude... this is will take you far in battle of the boobs!!


  2. Happy Belated Birthday!!! FYI on the injection for the sentinal node injection. It is not bad at all just a quick poke and you are done. Also great news about the earlier surgery!!!! Much more time to recover at the hospital!!! Love your blog and your attitude. Amy
