Sunday, August 15, 2010


Becky came home today at about noon. She was probably doing a lot better yesterday than today. She is still occasionally nauseous and the pain is pretty hard to suppress. She has zero energy most of the time. When she does give you some moments of lucidness they are followed by long rests. She has a temperature and headache presumably caused by the trauma and the narcotics respectively.

The boys did not see her in the hospital so Sunday is the first time their mom since they went to bed Thursday night. They were very cognisant of her pain and while very excited to see her didn't really need much instruction about how to stay away from her. They are being very responsible little caregivers. I hope it lasts.

Keaton is very interested in every detail of her condition. His mom certainly came home with lots of interesting stuff attached to her that he of course needed to ask about 32 different ways like a 4 year old does. Beyond the bandages she has multiple visible tubes that I thought would scare them but they just think it's interesting. Two tubes are for a constant drip of drugs into the chest the other tubes are to keep the swelling down.

We just happened to have some overlap with the grandparents right at the time Becky came home which happened to be very lucky. We needed a lot of hands to get Becky set up and handle three kids in various states of excitement, hunger and exhaustion. I tried hard to convince Becky that we needed these pillows with arms that my grandma had so she could be more comfortable like the hospital bed. There wont be another time that I can buy those and not feel like a completely lazy bum.

For the record unconscious Becky means no reality shows or vampire shows. The wonders of pharmaceuticals never cease to amaze.


  1. Thanks again for the update Scott! PS: You KNOW you watched Big Brother last night...admit it! ;-)

  2. Please call me if I can be of any help with the kiddos... would love to have the kids over for a playdate too. Hopefully you will be back enjoying all that quality programming real soon.

  3. Thank you for posting the update Scott. I hope Becky is feeling less pain and nausea very soon. Let us know what happens on Bachelor Pad tonight.

  4. i wish I lived closer so I could help with the kids and meals.

  5. Scott, maybe you could watch all of the reality and vampire shows and give Becky a short synopsis on each when she's awake. I know she'd REALLY appreciate it. :) Glad to hear she is home... I'm sure just knowing that her family is right there with her helps. Thanks again for keeping us posted on how she's doing. Sending lots of love and good thoughts to the Emmetts!

  6. Kari, I said the exact same thing to Scott. She's too tired to watch TV herself so I'm sure she'd love a report on this weeks reality/vampire TV and Oprah!

    And it sounds like Keaton has inherited Becky's research gene. Before this is all over, he'll know more about breast cancer than you, Scott, and possibly be the one to balance Becky's meds so she feels better.

  7. Soooo happy to hear she is home. Thanks Scott for the update!! You are truly amazing, taking care of her, the kids, the house and finding time to post updates to keep us all informed. And I agree, I think she'd love a run down of all her shows when she is awake and just admit, you like watching them too! :) Love to you all, The Wendover's
