Friday, August 13, 2010

12 hours after check in

I always find it funny people that otherwise wouldn't use social media show pictures of the view from their Hawaiian hotel room to make everybody at home jealous. This is the view Becky has booked herself for the weekend. You don't want to know what you have to give up to get a reservation though.

She has pretty much been out of it since she was brought out of post op step down. She is in a lot of pain and on a lot of drugs. She typically doesn't do well with pain medication and today is no different she is very nauseous so they are on the third drug for that (all intravenous for those of you who know how happy she is to prescribe the other kind to everybody but herself). This one looks to have worked or put her in a coma it's still unclear at this point.

As for what we know from the surgery. All of the sentinel nodes were negative which is a big plus. We still need to know more about the tissue pathology which probably wont be for a couple of days. (Lisa K. fill in tissue joke here). Prior to surgery the chances of chemo were 90%. We are hoping that the tissue isn't too bad and she avoids chemo but that might be a pipe dream. There is more to it than that and with Becky out like a light the person I usually ask is available. On the bright side if she's out like this for a couple more days I won't have to watch True Blood.


  1. Yes the Luau view from St Vincent's is impressive. I remember thinking that after giving birth there. That and the incredible room service. LOL. How long does Becky need to stay in the hospital...up for visitors yes or no.

  2. She's probably here until Sunday. I'm sure things will be better tomorrow but if she's anything like today I doubt you would see her eyes open very much.

  3. OK, I will check in Sat night or Sun a.m. Please let her know how many people at Intel are thinking about her - in and out of consciousness!!!

  4. Scott you are such a good husband for keeping all of us updated on how she is doing! I think I speak for everyone when I say it is MUCH appreciated! Hang in there... Thinking of you both!

  5. All that can be said is, "There is no place like No Chemo, there is no place like No Chemo, there is no place like NO CHEMO!!!!!" Hopefully saying it 3 times does the trick and she becomes part of the 10%. Thanks for all the updates Scott. Hugs to the both of you

  6. Great update- Scott I have a feeling you will be back watching True Blood soon. So glad that the surgery went well, we are rooting for no chemo over here!

  7. Thanks for all the updates Scott. Hope the drugs kick in and she's feeling better quickly. In fact I hope she's feeling so good that you do have to sit through True Blood :-)

  8. Sounds like you're just asking for a True Blood marathon, Scott. But I know you'll man up to it. Such great news about the nodes and that her pain meds sound to be fixed. And we're all glad she's trained you on FB and the blog to keep her fan base updated. XO

  9. Ahh, great news about the nodes and pain meds. Thanks for the update Scott!! - Amber

  10. True Blood is he best you know you love it!! Tell Becky i am thinking of her and hope she is feeling better soon, you are an amazing husband Scott, and she would be so happy if you filled her in on what happens on true blood!! xoxo Breona

  11. So this is where Becky gets her social media skills from!! Nice work in the blog, Scott - and thx for updates! Hope she was able to continue to get rest last night. Langer family is gathering all the good karma we can get and sending your way :) xo to Becky. Megan, Craig, Paige (& even Bomber!)

  12. Thanks for the update. We are sending thoughts and prayers for Becky and her family. What a strong girl.

  13. Scott, You are a natural at the blogging - look at you at Blog #3 and already dishing out your own pithy comments. Well done! I think Becky will approve. I am praying for Becky, and for your strength too. She is lucky to have you.

  14. Becky and Scott. I just heard the news and read the entire blog. Want you to know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Becky, you write so bravely and humerously (what would we do without laughter?) but I know that fear and doubt and second guessing is also a factor here. Try to focus only on the positive and let others deal with the negative. I don't know where you live, but with an address I could find you so if you need anyone to help with kids, or pick up your house or run errands please just let me know. I am willing, able, and would appreciate being able to help in anyway. Don't want to post my cell number but you can reach my answering machine by calling 503-638+8231.
    Claudia sonnen
