Friday, August 13, 2010

Surgery Day

Becky has been in surgery for about an 90 minutes now. I know that if the roles were reversed she would have posted many pithy updates by now. We have had several different estimates of the amount of time she'll be in there. As of now it sounds like she should be done by about 1:00. It sounds like we should have a murky picture of what's next at that point and then know more in a few days. We were previously told we would know with 90% certainty after surgery of what the future held.
It has been quite remarkable how Becky has been sent from one well respected specialist to the next. I firmly believe that her close relationship to her primary doctor lead to her being sent to the best radiologist and the best surgeon around. We didn't know at the time but everybody speaks glowingly about both of them and talks about how they are the best you could have. People constantly whisper that she has the absolute best doctors. We have been hearing that from people for a couple weeks now (and of course Becky's research). When she first went in her doctor who delivered all of our kids said you are going to this radiologist and then once he diagnosed her for sure the radiologist and her doctor said you are going to this surgeon. There are only so many hours in the day. We know that not everybody can get in to see the best most respected specialists. We are very lucky that Becky carefully selected her OB/GYN years ago and found somebody that recognises colleagues that know what they are doing and cared enough about Becky to make sure she got in to see them. There was actually some difficulty getting in to the first specialist and her doctor wouldn't have it. We all know that if I was sick I would have trouble getting a referral to a good diesel mechanic. Kevorkian maybe; the surgeon that cured Vera Katz (like Becky's) I doubt it.


  1. Laura just told me that she's in good hand with Dr. Johnson (I'm assuming that's who you're talking about)!! Her friend had him and mother-in-law also said he's the best around! So reassuring! Thanks for the update Scott!!

  2. PS: Or is Dr. Johnson a "she"? ;-)

  3. Thanks for the update Scott. Sending Becky and your family positive thoughts and prayers.
