Thursday, August 19, 2010

What's that smell??

Today's appointment did not offer the information we were hoping for, but I'm happy to report that all drains/tubes/wires/etc are OUT of my body! Scott and I saw Dr. Johnson today and were thrilled to hear I got to get my drains out. She started by unwrapping all the gauze etc and said things look good. For the record, I still haven't 'looked down' much. I just can't handle it quite yet. She then started untaping the wires and just kept pulling. Those wires were about 12 inches inside my skin. GROSS. And that is when the tears started. It hurt a little and I just couldn't deal. Of note, I was due pain meds and didn't bring them because I didn't expect the appt to take so long. We waited a full hour before we even saw the doctor. Oh well. At that point, I asked to lay down. Another doctor came in to do the drains. The right side was so incredibly painful. It was clogged and attached in multiple places so pulling it out was torture. I cried through the whole thing. Then all the blood and ooze started (sorry... kind of gross I guess). Anyways, once that one was under control we did the left side. Thankfully, that side was quite easy and we were done. Both Scott and I were so close to passing out (for real) we had to sit and wait a bit before standing up.

Regarding the pathology, we learned there were still several unanswered questions. We don't know the extent of the microinvasive cells. We did learn however that there was cancer all over the left side. During surgery however, Dr. Johnson got great margins so it's all out. We also didn't learn about the hormone receptors (remember - if I'm triple negative it means chemo). So we wait. Dr. Johnson put in a call to the pathologists to learn more. And I'll get those results from my oncologist. I now officially have an oncologist - Dr. Anderson. I see him tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully at that appointment we'll learn what the plan is. Dr. Johnson mentioned I may need 'a little' chemo. Hmm. What is 'a little'??? No idea. Cross fingers for tomorrow that we get some real answers.

I'm also seeing the plastic surgeon tomorrow to make sure things are looking ok from a cosmetic point of view. So a busy day ahead.

And did I mention - it has been SEVEN DAYS since I last showered. And trust me, I smell like it. But tomorrow.. yes TOMORROW morning I will shower. Yes I will people! The stentch looming over Lake Oswego since the Sunday will soon disappear. Yee-Hah!!!!


  1. So happy to hear the tubes and wires are out and FANTASTIC news about a shower tomorrow morning. That alone will make you feel like a million bucks I bet. Sending positive, no-chemo thoughts your way for good news tomorrow! Love ya, Amber

  2. Yay shower! Your neighbors will thank you I'm sure ;). Can't wait to find out the news on Friday. You are handling all of this with tremendous grace. We are so proud of you.

  3. I hope you had the best shower EVER!!! And that you will soon get the best news EVER!!! Keep up the amazing attitude!! Nicole

  4. woo hoo for showers! now if we could just talk malina into showering too...;)

  5. So happy to hear all the wires, drains, etc are OUT! Hope you had a GREAT shower this morning!

  6. I was wondering what that smell was coming down the street, now I can let the neighbors know I figured it out! Enjoy that shower!!
