Sunday, August 8, 2010

Paperwork Overload!

At every appointment, I've been handed a stack of papers and it wasn't until this weekend that I actually read through and organized all of it. I've got 3 file folders going so far and I'm convinced I need a color-coded Excel spreadsheeet but I just can't figure it out quite yet (just trying to make my Intel peeps proud!). In any event, in the reading I learned that I actually have Stage 1 cancer (not stage 0 as I thought). I also learned there is a good chance that I have 'triple negative disease'. It's not yet confirmed because the HERS-2 finding was not done with my pathology. I'd never heard of triple negative until I visited Transitions & the Providence Breast Center. The triple negative would just basically confirm that I'll need chemo and also suggests it may be a more agressive type. Lovely. But, I may not have it. Right now, I'm just 'double negative'. They should use better terms when talking about cancer - the word 'negative' just doesn't bring your spirits up. ;)

Speaking of my visit to Transitions, it was quite nice really. The women were kind and I scored a 'post operative garment' which is nothing if not stylish. Ok, I'm a huge liar. It's horrendous. Why can't they fancy up these things? They are meant for women and we demand some sense of style! I told Lisa I might take a picture of it, but I don't want anyone to vomit in their mouth by the ugliness of it all. Essentially, it's a white tanktop that zips in the front. On the inside it has little pockets held in with velcro that will hold the drains. Sounds cute doesn't it!

I also had my pre-op meeting with a surgical nurse. She was very nice and I've continued to be impressed with the level of service from all my doctors and the hospital. The deal is that on Friday, I arrive at 5:30am, the surgery starts at 7:30 and will last about 3 hours. Then, an hour of recovery and I'm free (well, 'free' meaning I'll be in the hospital for 2 nights).

Lastly, enormous thanks to Stephenie who put together a meal delivery plan. I really appreciate it Steph! And for those who didn't receive the email, you can find the details here. It's very hard to accept help but we know we'll need it. Thanks doesn't seem to express how Scott & I feel about the support we've received from friends & family but I'm just not sure what else to say. So THANK YOU. HUGE HUGE THANK YOUS!!

1 comment:

  1. Becky - best of luck tomorrow. Positive karma coming your way!!! I say show up in your own fashionable outfit and tell the triple negative disease to go fuck itself :-)
