Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Breakdown

Tomorrow is the big day and I'm happy to get past it. We'll be waking up at 4am for the fun day. Today was not so fun (well, parts of it anyways).

First off, we've already had several amazing deliveries - flowers, food, HUGE cupcakes, etc. I'm blessed. I'm surrounded by amazing people. Feeling great.

My first appointment was with a genetisist at Good Sam. He looked at my family history and put together a set of 'odds' regarding my chances for a genetic mutation (BRCA 1 or BRCA 2 or a couple other ones which I don't remember the name). It's incredible really. Interesting fact of the day is that 9 out of 10 people who get breast cancer just have 'bad luck'. Only 10% is based on heredity. There are a million other cool things that I learned during "Genetics 101". Next step - getting a distant cousin's BRCA report to Good Sam and then make an appt for the blood test. Whitney was kind enough to make laps around the office to keep Channing happy. In fact, she kept Channing more than happy - the little girl was giggling like crazy. I think Channing found her first best friend. ;) Thanks Whitney!!

My second appointment was not fun at all. It was for the sentinel node injection. The injection itself was fine but it was 'side effect' that put me into my first official breakdown. I'll back up a bit here to share that the one thing that can get me to cry is to talk about the fact I won't get to pick up my kids for the next few weeks. It's esp hard to think of not holding Channing. She falls asleep on my chest daily and I won't get that for a while. So after being called back for my appointment I was told that I would be 'radioactive' and therefore couldn't pick up or hold my kids tonight. I thought I had tonight!! I feel a bit robbed. This was my last night (at least I thought) for snuggle time. And it was taken. Ugh. I was angry, sad, frustrated, etc. So I broke down. Thankfully Stephenie was with me and she helped to get Channing all loaded up in the car. I then called Dr. Messner (I just love saying that!!) to get more information. Kari Messenger is a radiologist, specializing in breast related illness (I hope I'm explaining that right) and also a life long friend. She explained the rules for tonight. I could hug the kids goodnight, but best not to bring them into my chest. Bedtime was tough but I managed to help get Channing to bed and of course read books for the boys. It worked out ok. I still feel robbed though. Damn cancer! DAMN YOU!

Ok, I'm back. Not feeling sorry for myself any more. I found courage and strength by consuming huge amounts of chocolate (thanks Kelley)! And also through the kind words and support offered by all those around me.

Wish me luck tomorrow! I'm encouraging Scott to post some kind of an update here post surgery (probably around noon or 1pm).

Wish me luck!


  1. Thinking about you and sending positive thoughts and prayers your way!!! Karin

  2. I was so angry FOR you that no one told you ahead of time. I'm sorry I coulnd't give you a hug :( But I'm so glad Kari was able to give you a little bit back. Thank you for giving me a little bit of Channing time today. She's such a sweet doll. And best of luck to you for tomorrow. We'll be thinking of you all morning - you've got the best doctors and you are the strongest woman there is so I know you'll do great! hugs

  3. Becky, good luck! I'm thinking of you and sending good vibes your way!

  4. Sending HUGE hugs and good cheer your way. I know you'll get through this and be snuggling your little ones soon. xxxooooo

  5. xoxo, Becky!! Sarah's correct, you will be sunggling with your little ones in no time. Looking forward to Scott's update after your surgery. Much love to you guys!

  6. So, so sad that you had to deal with that last minute, crappy surprise yesterday. Completely unfair. But hopefully today and the next few days just fly by and you'll be snuggling with the kiddos very soon. Thinking of you and your family. Stay strong and fight! :)

  7. Becky,
    I'm so thinking about you all the time! i don't know if it's because I have small children too especially a baby and I could not Even imagine the pain you are going through right now!Not really pain but you know anger, fear, all of the above!!I'm so happy you have such a great support system around, I'm sure that does help! I'm sorry about the hugs I would be pissed too. So neat that Kari can help a bit! Anyways sorry I'm babbling... I guess, I just wanted you to know that even "Not so Close" friends are rooting for you too!!
    Best of luck and best wishes for a speedy recovery!!

  8. Love you... sorry to hear about becoming instantly radioactive. What a surprise! Let's make you into a superhero and make t-shirts. You can beat the bad guys by snuggling. -Whitney

  9. Becky- You ave amazing strength and courage. Stay strong and keep your sense of humor. We are praying for you.

    Love to you and your family!

    JIll Siegner (Whitneys step-sister)

  10. I am just getting caught up and agree, I am so angry for you that you were robbed of your cuddle time....let that anger drive you, I have learned that being angry about cancer is ok, it sucks, so let it know!!!
