Wednesday, August 18, 2010

This one is for you!

Today is the 3rd day that has required full time help around the house and it's impossible to give enough thanks to both "the ladies of Zivney Lane" (also known as my mom and 'aunt' Jill) and to Carol. These women have put in 12 hour days to ensure my comfort and that of my family. They have done more around here in the last few days than I have over the last year. My floors have never been so clean and my laundry basket has never (in history) been empty for quite so long. They bring me meals in bed, they wash my hair, they empty drains (yuck) and they do it all with smiles (even when I'm not being the best patient I can be). So thank you!! You are making this so much easier. I love you Carol, Mom & Jill!

I also have to recognize the food. If you know me at all, you know I don't cook. I don't particularly enjoy cooking and I'm certainly not good at it. Over the last several days we've seen such love poured into the meals that have been delivered. I'm eating more and more myself each and and my caregivers, husband and children are cursing the amount of great food around (all while nibbling on just one more cookie). :) So thank you. The meals are a HUGE help.

Lastly, I'm humbled by the kind words, thoughts, support, flowers, visits, etc that so many of you have given. It's clear that I'm REALLY good at picking friends because you are all the best. Really. Take a bow. You don't know how much it means each time I read a comment, listen to a voicemail, read a card or feel the love you have all given. Please know that I'm super behind in email but I'm appreciative of each of you. You are really keeping my spirits high!

As for me.. I had another good day. I'm feeling stronger by the hour. This morning I was able to feed Channing a bottle and get my hair washed all before a morning visit from a great friend. It was wonderful. At that point, I was a bit worn out so took a short rest.. well, I meant to rest but somehow got sucked into watching an episode of 'Gene Simmons Family Jewels'. Wow I'm a loser. Then, I took another 'bath' (meaning I tried using a washcloth to remove the stink from my body - - not super successful) then off to an appointment with my plastic surgeon. I was so excited to get the bandages off and get one set of tubes out of my chest. The bad news was that I wasn't feeling well - I was again sick to my stomach and needed more pain meds (which I couldn't have for another hour). But, I poured myself into the car with Scott and were on our way. When we had just about arrived, I got a call that Dr. Popowich was still in surgery and wouldn't be back today. ERRRR!!!! I was so mad/frustrated. I broke down crying and tried to ask questions regarding how/if/when I can get my bandages off and how to get these darn wires out of my body. She said I could take off the outer wrap. Since we were already in the parking lot at this point, Scott went in to inquire about how to appeal my insurance company since they had declined my reconstruction surgery. I know, nice, right. It's a federal law that they have to pay but why not just decline for fun. Anyways, Scott also shared his lack of appreciation for more notice about the cancelled appt while I waited and cried in the car. The good news, he learned he could just cut the wires off and we could have Dr. Johnson remove them in the morning (9:45 appt Thurs).

So that was my day. I got home, rested and then relieved our help and spent the evening with just Scott and the kids. It felt like so long since it's just been us and it felt great. I fed Channing another bottle, got her in her jammies and snuggled before Scott put her in bed. Just perfect. Things are getting better!! Oh, I also took off the outer wrap but couldn't take of the mounds of gauze that has me wrapped tight. I'm just to wimpy about medical stuff and I nearly passed out when I saw just a smidge of my incision. Good thing I didn't ever think becoming a doctor would be a good idea. Jeez! So the mystery remains of what things look like under there. I am more comfortable however and Scott snipped off those darn wires. Wheh, releif!!

Tomorrow, I'm hoping to learn about the pathology from the surgery. Lets hope I actually get to see her!!


  1. Hang in there Becky. And don't forget to lean on your friends and family. You are such a star, people appreciate the rare chance they get to help you out. XOXO

  2. Thanks for the update Becky! I am soooo glad to hear you got to snuggle with your baby girl and give her a couple bottles, wonderful news. Shitty about the doctor appointment and insurance but one thing at a time and it sounds like you're doing better and better and making huge progress. Love you lots!!! - Amber

  3. Oh you poor thing, I'm so sorry to hear about the cancellation! And what the heck, stupid insurance declining what jerks! I'm so glad to hear you got some snuggle time and family time I’m sure the kids were just as tickled to death as you were.

    Just remember it will all be over soon and you will be even more beautiful then you already are!

    My heart goes out to you,

  4. Thank you for the kind words my sweet girl. I wish life had not dealt you this blow, but you have shown such strength and grace. I am proud of you beyond words. We are so happy to help make it as easy as possible.
    All My Love, Mama

  5. So glad to hear you got some snuggle time in and that you are being well taken care of.

    Can't believe the insurance declined what a hassle at a time you don't need one. Happy to start a PR or SM campaign for you to get some action from them :-)

    Hope you get lots more snuggles in today!

  6. I'm just in awe of you Becky. Hang in there. Always in my thoughts, Rhian

  7. I am so sorry you had such a rough start to your day. No fun with all the doctor stuff. I have to tell you how inspiring you are on here, willing to share all your emotions about your journey. I am overjoyed at how you and Scott are working together as a team. When Corey and I went through our journey with the twins, the greatest joy we found was in the strength of our own marriage. It's not easy, but it is so awesome to have known you both in high school, and now that we are going through life's not so fun's inspiring to see your relationship together. I am praying for you and your sweet kiddos. They are learning lots through you guys by your strength and love! :)

    Jessica Wilson

  8. Becky, I love getting the udpates. I'm a total blog stalker. Thanks so much for keeping us all posted on your recovery. I miss you! Thinking of you everyday.

  9. Becky,
    I hope today went better for you at Dr. Johnson's. What a mess with your insurance. It does get better with each passing day but the tough days make it hard to see past that. Just envision yourself next year, in a bikini with perfect boobs:). Can't wait to hear your pathology results. Also, can I come visit you next week?
    Love ya, Amy

  10. I'm thankful that God gives the strength for these very difficult times. You certainly have an incredible support system with friends and family. How wonderful that they are all able to share their love for you and that you are a gracious receiver of that love. I know how strong your mom is and she obviously has passed that on down to you.
    Prayers continue for you and your family.
    Vicki Silkey
