Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I'm Back

My darling husband has said he's officially 'out of material' and so the blogging role has landed back in my hands. It was nice while it lasted! And for the record, I did finally watch True Blood. It took me 2 days and about 8 tries before I watched the whole one-hour show. Who knew that tv would take so much out of you. Jeez.

Well, I'm day 4 post surgery and I really thought I'd be doing better at this point. I'm frustrated that I'm pretty much useless and stuck in bed all the time. Without the generous support from friends and family I'm not sure where we'd be. So thank you. I can't express enough how much everything means. The food, the babysitting, the help with medical stuff, the washing of my hair, etc. It means SO much.

I'm still wrapped up super tight in bandages which will come off at an appointment tomorrow afternoon. The doctor will also remove the tubes/wires that are bringing pain meds right to my chest. The drains (one on each side) will remain for a while longer. But getting the pain meds off will help.

I did get my hair washed a few days ago and I'm super anxious to do that again tomorrow. I can't officially shower until the drains are out but washing my hair and just washing up in the sink helps. I still feel icky.

I guess I don't have a ton to say. This is much harder than I expected. I'm in pain more and the vomiting was a bit of a surprise (not the good kind either!). I do recognize that each day I'm feeling better and better. Today for example I could watch tv without it making me sick. It's the little things.. :)

I'll write more tomorrow - time for more paid meds!


  1. It's good to have you back, Becky! You're in my thoughts lots... Keep the updates coming. xoxo

  2. Becky-

    You are doing great. Your comment about how many times it took you to watch anything took 8 attempts took me back to my recovery. My husband came in and found me watching the intro to a DVD over and over and over:) Oh the joys of the drugs.

    To give you hope that it will go faster than you think, one year ago I was totally in your place and this year I am on vacation in the sun. The year will fly by!!!! Oh and PS make sure you post things online right before you take more drugs. I did not quite do that last year and read some things when I was not high, scary stuff:)

    Love ya,

  3. That you are lucid, online and blogging already is very impressive Becky! Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers your way!

  4. Becky - so glad that you are starting to feel alittle better with each passing day. Very inspiring that you're blogging! - Claudine

  5. Every day is a step in the right direction! Hopefully you'll have some more relief tomorrow!! Keep up that wonderful positive attitude - what an inspiration you are!!! Love ya, Nicole

  6. You are so incredibly strong.

  7. glad that the pain is easing each day - sending you lots of love and positive thoughts!

  8. You are amazing! I'm so impressed and inspired and really hoping my dinner for for you on Saturday turns out well. Remember that I don't usually cook... Making a special exception here. So no reviews on the blog, ok? ;-)

  9. don't set such high expectations for yourself - just try to live each day with no expectation of tomorrow. It helps cushion the emotions when healing isn't going as fast as you'd like. i know it's hard...but just be kind to yourself right now. also, the good news is this is probably the worst of it. Even if you have to do chemo, you won't have the pain too. the pain will only get better from here.

    i'm very thankful for all the people you have close to help you.

    big hugs.

  10. Hey Becky, please let me know if there is anything I can do to help, I am nearby and can do whatever....dinners, help with the kids...I just want you to be comfortable!

  11. Hey Miss Amazing! So glad to hear from you, I knew Scott wouldn't last that long with the blogging, he's not much of the type, but tell him thanks for keeping all of us posted, it was well appreciated knowing everything went alright and you were doing "well." And don’t you feel obligated to write either; I would rather see you getting lots of rest and getting better than seeing a blog post!! Let me know if your parents or Carol need a break from the boys, I would be more than happy to take them to the park or just come over and play with them and keep them occupied! :)
    Hope your appt. goes well today and keep getting lots of rest, your body will be able to heal faster while it is at rest. You will be back on your feet in no time!!

    Sending my love your guys way,

  12. Becky, you are on my mind constantly! I am in awe of you and your strength! Thank you for the update and I hope to see you really soon!

  13. I'm sure you will be feeling better after getting some of those tubes out!! Each day will bring you closer to feeling fantastic.
    Hang in there - prayers to you and your family.
    Vicki Silkey

  14. I'm thinking of you a lot right now Becky -- your blog is awesome, brave, and funny as hell. Keep up the righteous fight! coreyd
