Friday, July 30, 2010

Hmm, Didn't Think of That.

Scott (actually Scott's uncle) pointed out that my surgery is scheduled for Friday the 13th. I'll choose to believe it's GOOD luck. Really, I'm not much one to consider such things. So really, I think I should choose to believe it doesn't matter. (Those of you out there who do believe however - you better be projecting positive thoughts my way! It doesn't hurt to be over prepared.) :)

While I'm here, I should mention I'm currently reading a book titled "Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips" and I'm at the point where the author is discussing ST (shopping therapy). The Nordstrom sale couldn't have come at a better time in my opinion! Thanks to Erika for letting me borrow the book - it's a fun read if you can believe it.


  1. That had not occurred to me either. Really the most important thing is that you find a great group of docs. From what I've heard you have the best team in Portland!

  2. Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us. You will be such an inspiration during and after all the upcoming test, surgeries, etc. I have mentioned your cancer to some friends who are on a prayer chain and you will be in their prayers, as will your whole family.
    As far as Friday the 13th - it's just a date like any other date.
    I will be checkin in on your blog.
    Love and prayers
    Vicki Silkey

  3. I noticed that too but I figured it was bad luck for those cancer cells. They're the ones being evicted right? :)

  4. Becky, It is a great date. I had a beautiful blue eyed baby boy a few years back on a Friday the 13th of August.


  5. You MUST find all reasons and justification for more shopping through all of this. I'm a firm believer and supporter of retail therapy. It does wonders! :) So good to see you last night. -- kari

  6. I believe that Friday the 13th is actually a lucky day speaking scientifically and as a closet Pagan :-) A further theory goes back to a combination of Paganism, Christianity, and the Battle of Hastings. For many, the number 13 is considered lucky, such as 13 lunar cycles each year. But thanks to the tireless efforts of the medieval Catholic Church that attempted to degrade all things Pagan, they promoted 13 as an unlucky number. Then again, they thought women were witches and medicine was a sin. You can see where I'm going with this. As a Pagan/Celtic reformist with serious woman power, it's a GREAT DAY and you'll do GREAT!!!!!
