Thursday, July 19, 2012

2 Years Today!

Today is an important day for me. Today is my 2 year “cancerversary”.  I’ve been thinking about this day for the last couple of weeks and have been reflecting on the past two years since I was diagnosed. Frankly speaking, I think about cancer a lot.  I know I shouldn’t, but I do. I guess when you are told “you have cancer” it can kind of rattle a person.  That said, I am beyond thankful about how lucky I was and am.  I have some friends currently fighting the fight to become cancer free and while it sucks, I’m also happy to say they are winning that fight!  Separately, another friend lost her fight this year.  Her kids are the same age as Keaton and Casen and I’m heartbroken for those little ones who will grow up having lost their mom.  Life isn’t fair and sometimes it just really really sucks.

When the topic of my cancer comes up, Scott always makes me laugh which I love. He calls 2010 “the year you tried to die” because of the cancer but also because of Channing’s birth and how the doctors said “you were in real trouble there for a while”.  I guess my goal for this coming year is to try not to die (just trying to make my husband proud!). Really, it's the least I can do.

In terms of health, all things remain the same.  From what I know, I’m cancer free and plan to stay that way. This past year I did participate in a genetics study run by the UW School of Medicine in which they are studying breast cancer in young women (diagnosed under 40).  They study genes for the two main genetic defects known to be associated with breast cancer (BRCA 1 & BRCA 2) and a whole host of other genes.  I got my results back just a few weeks ago and I’m negative!  This is great news particularly for my worrying about my kids and their future.  I see my cancer doctor in another month or so where I’ll ask for the millionth time if I should be doing anything (blood tests, scans, etc) just to check once more and I’m sure she’ll tell me again that I don’t need any of that.  So then I just sit and worry from time to time.  Apparently that is the norm.

I can’t end this blog post without recognizing two other major events this year that affected the health of family members.  This spring, Carol suffered a brain aneurism and a stroke and she continues to work on her recovery.  She’s really doing great, but the road is difficult.  Second is my youngest nephew Garak who is one of the toughest kids around.  He’s been holding on to life now longer than anyone expected and is getting in all the snuggles and loves from family and friends that he can.  He’s a complete sweetheart and we love him very much.

I hope I don’t have any reason to write in this blog until next year.  So make sure and do monthly self-exams, donate to great cancer related charities and stay healthy!  Love & hugs!
